The Growth Leadership Show #3 - Peep Laja on Playing the Long Game and Practicing Patience

March 9, 2021
Sandro Meyer
Growth Leadership Podcast



The Growth Leadership Podcast

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In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking to Peep Laja, the founder of several businesses, including Conversion XL, Speero, and most recently, his newest venture, Wynter. As well as being an entrepreneur, speaker and author, he’s regarded as one of the leading conversion rate optimization experts in the world.

Peep has always had big ambitions. During our conversation, he talked about maintaining multiple businesses, including the elements needed to scale a business, what he looks for during the hiring process, learning when to delegate, and education best practices.


Topics Discussed

04:06 - Identifying When to Scale Your Business

12:54 - Playing the Long Game and Practicing Patience

15:49 - Doing What You Enjoy and Knowing When to Delegate

19:25 - Goal Setting For Teams

22:01 - Finding the Areas Where Your Employees Thrive

24:41 - The Importance of Having a Good Vendor Manager

31: 14 - Key Areas Where Conventional Online Education Fails

36:19 - The Bigger the Business, the Smaller the Differentiation

42:30 - Next Steps and New Directions

56:24 - Advice for Marketing Leaders







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